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#1 Posture Secret To Fix TIGHT Hamstrings & Lower Back Pain
There is a simple trick you can learn that lengthens your tight hamstrings as you sit. Lower back pain and tight hamstrings often are found together. But most people don't know that tight hamstrings are most often a symptom and not the underlying problem.
In this video Dr. Brant Pedersen (DC) will teach you why the average sitting posture increases tightness in your hamstrings. He will then share how a few simple tweaks to your sitting posture, which you can do at home without special equipment, will help to lengthen your hamstring muscles without active hamstring stretching.
Links for products noted in this video (affiliate link):
* Saddle Stool Rolling Chair:
🔖 Here is the pdf summarizing The 7 Steps To Sit Right: www.positivemotionhealth.com/handout-24-07/
🔴 Watch Next
➜ Fix TIGHT Hamstrings & Lower Back Pain | 2 SIMPLE Exercises: ua-cam.com/video/R21LdKm8Ov4/v-deo.html
➜ The #1 Most Important Muscle to Fix Back & SI Joint Pain: ua-cam.com/video/jhcYfcXdQYA/v-deo.html
➜ Lower Back Pain and SI Joint Dysfunction: ua-cam.com/video/-lAIOBjgYkE/v-deo.html
00:00 Introduction
00:35 Hamstring Muscle Anatomy
01:30 Spinal Anatomy
02:25 Describing Improper Seated Posture
03:42 How To Sit Properly
05:08 Seated Posture Demonstration
10:09 Tip #1 - Seat Pan Sloping Forward
10:39 Tip #2 Thighs Sloping Downwards
11:58 Tip #3 Stop The Slip
Dr. Pedersen talks through the anatomy of the lower lumbar spine and sacrum and how the wedge-shaped anatomy of L4 and L5, and their respective discs, make anterior pelvic tilt critical for good posture. He also discusses how the spinal bones, called vertebra, are supposed to be the weight bearing structure of the body by stacking like building blocks.
Improper seated posture, where the hamstring muscles are shortened and the back is rounded, is demonstrated. When a person tucks their buttocks underneath them when sitting, and ends up on the back of their "sit bones," this causes discomfort but also tight hamstrings.
When someone sits on the front of their ischial tuberosity, aka "sit bones," then the hamstring muscles are gently stretched. This posture over time while sitting leads to a lengthening of tight hamstrings without ever having to do stretching exercises.
Finally, Dr. Pedersen goes over three simple tricks to make good seated posture easy.
Tip #1 is making sure that the seat pan of your chair is locked and that it is tilted forward and sloping downwards. This helps to hold your pelvis in an anterior pelvic tilt position which allows your spinal bones to stack directly on top of one another.
Tip #2 teaches you how having your thighs sloping downwards makes maintaining good seated posture and anterior pelvic tilt easier. This is closely tied into seat height.
Tip #3 involves how to sit with ease when on a slippery chair or driving. Using a small piece of non-slip drawer liner between the chair and your buttocks helps your muscles be able to relax.
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About Dr. Brant Pedersen, DC, CCSP
Dr. Pedersen is a sports chiropractor who founded Positive Motion Chiropractic in northern California (Los Gatos). He specializes in finding rapid and lasting solutions to muscle and joint pain issues. He received his first chiropractic adjustment when competing as a professional windsurfer and it opened his eyes to how quickly the body can heal when given targeted conservative care. Dr. Pedersen graduated valedictorian of his class from Palmer College of Chiropractic West, maintains an adjunct faculty position at his alma mater, and gives back through humanitarian chiropractic care. He enjoys sharing tips and tricks for how to stay active and pain-free and employs them daily to stay active as an extreme sports athlete.
👋🏼 Connect with Dr. Brant Pedersen, DC, CCSP
Web: www.positivemotionhealth.com/
Instagram: positivemotion
Facebook: PositiveMotionHealth
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/drbrantpedersen/
DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is created and published for informational and demonstration purposes only. It is not medical advice or a treatment plan. Consult with a licensed healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. In some cases exercise may be inappropriate. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don't use this content to avoid going to a licensed healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Positive Motion Chiropractic makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call emergency services (911 in the USA) or go to the nearest hospital emergency department. Use of this content is at your sole risk.
Переглядів: 15 373


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  • @chadfootball96
    @chadfootball96 13 хвилин тому

    How do i stop sleeping with one leg up and other down as you showed in the video? Ive tried pillows between my legs and even pillows with straps. I turn and move so much during the night nothing stays in place between my legs

  • @user-jw9sc4qm5k
    @user-jw9sc4qm5k 3 години тому

    Hi. I do the wall exercise and get pain in the lower back/ hip area. Is that due to the muscle being strained or something else thank you

  • @TheBistrot82
    @TheBistrot82 5 годин тому

    perfect educational video thanks a lot

  • @ryanbarker4573
    @ryanbarker4573 5 годин тому

    Such clear instruction this guy is a legend.

  • @wendydavis6414
    @wendydavis6414 5 годин тому

    Exercises? If the joint has instability.

  • @zdt6
    @zdt6 8 годин тому

    All the difference...! Basically jutt your Butt out as you sit.

  • @PRCOM
    @PRCOM 11 годин тому

    Because iv got a lower spine fusion i was told i was at 80% risk of si joint problems because of spinal fusion. So 12 months ago i had to get my left si joint fused where i was informed now my left is done your right si joint will go within 2yrs...its 12 months since my left si joint surgery and im booked in 23rd may 2024 to get my right si joint fused

  • @emcarver8983
    @emcarver8983 13 годин тому

    All of my muscles/ joint here hurts so much, I can't do them.

  • @premnathprabhakaran4833
    @premnathprabhakaran4833 21 годину тому

    Hi, it was a wonderful section I ever herd. Alot of useful thing r there. I have this issue in my right side. Eight months back, I slipped from a starirs. Pain is there but not severe. I m a badminton player. Can I continue playing?

  • @dawndurbindds
    @dawndurbindds День тому

    One year post op Glute Med tear repair. LOVE THIS VIDEO. Great reminder to stick with what I did to recover and not get back in that shape. THANK YOU.

  • @stenefy
    @stenefy День тому

    Do you have a recommendation for a firm wedge cushion?

    @JES8SHRNDZzz День тому

    Great vid

  • @marcboucher3263
    @marcboucher3263 День тому

    I was doing these exercises daily one year ago to rehab a groin tear. I started having urination problems, saw a urologist, was prescribed flomax for my enlarged prostate. I then learned from U tube that the consequences of overdoing Kegel exercises were the same as the symptoms I was having. I started doing pelvic floor relaxation exercises and that cleared up the symptoms. Yes, do these exercises, just make sure you do the relaxation stretches as well.

  • @phishfan
    @phishfan День тому

    Great video- I'm a Massage Therapist and this info is spot on. I'd like to mention another test to measure GM strength- in the gym, use a cable machine to do an abduction at the hip- so standing up, testing leg facing away from the machine, band around the top of the knee like the gauge in this video, and pull your banded leg out to the side, away from the cable machine- simply find what weight you are able to perform this motion with. Not as accurate as the gauge but gives a rough estimate of where one's strength is at. This method also takes gravity out of the equation, where using the gauge one is working against gravity when lying on your side. Also just to add that glute med has additional actions- extension, internal and external rotation depending on the portion of the muscle.

  • @alyssaleah1982
    @alyssaleah1982 День тому

    Thank you so much for this! I’m a yoga instructor, introducing tennis and golf balls just for under the feet so far. People love it! I’ve been researching different techniques and areas to address that are neglected or forgotten. This is fantastic and I’ll be introducing the pectoral massage.

  • @Faithandhumanity9875
    @Faithandhumanity9875 День тому

    This video was made for me. Right now! Thank you for the clear and elaborate explanation. This all makes so much sense to me as I self diagnose that I have an over active/ sprained Si joint lol

  • @villagaiac55
    @villagaiac55 День тому

    not a realistic Xray

  • @lindseybrittain1208
    @lindseybrittain1208 2 дні тому

    I can't believe how weak one side of my glute medius is. 😮 My back pain is all making sense... Thank you!!!!

  • @skaimasterson6908
    @skaimasterson6908 2 дні тому

    Love love, love you’re video. I can tell you really love people and you enjoy helping them with their problems. Thank you, thank you thank you for all you do for your patience and people watching your videos. May God bless you and your family.❤😊

  • @annmartin1376
    @annmartin1376 2 дні тому

    how do you treat shearing? I def have this. One hip rotates forward the other rotates posteriorly to compensate?- I've had two episodes now 3 because of a backwards fall (accidental)

  • @basman7620
    @basman7620 2 дні тому

    I'm on a waiting list for an Xray, my doctor is only interested in giving me painkillers until then. I've gone from being highly active to only being able to stand for short periods of time. After 4 months of rapidly declining health my doctor recently decided to put me on stronger pain killers. I have to try something, so I'll go with this. Thanks

  • @halimaali9701
    @halimaali9701 2 дні тому

    Thanks doctor!

  • @GarretDuffy
    @GarretDuffy 2 дні тому

    You said to lock the seat pan down. But if the seat back and (forward-sloping) seat pan move together, is that not OK? I can see a problem if the seat pan and seat back moved independently of one another... I guess I don't understand your statement.

    • @PositiveMotionChiro
      @PositiveMotionChiro 2 дні тому

      Yours is a good question. The important thing is to lock the seat pan so that the surface that you are sitting on is stable. When you are sitting properly, the back to the chair becomes almost irrelevant, but the back to the chair should be locked. If for some reason, the locking of your seat pan with it sloped as far forward as possible means that the back of your chair is now pushing you forward, then you could unlock the back of your chair or lock it in a different position. I hope that makes sense.

    • @GarretDuffy
      @GarretDuffy 2 дні тому

      @@PositiveMotionChiro Thank you so much for this additional information. Seat pan locked! I've been practicing your exercises and somatic movements (thanks to @LearnSomatics) and the combination of both of your content has greatly helped me recover from my SI joint pain.

  • @fredvanbeek4863
    @fredvanbeek4863 2 дні тому

    I loved and understand this video. Tweaking sitting area in office, dining and even car I see as very feasible. However I find difficulty to sit correctly on the couch or lazy chair in the family room, where we actually spend a lot of time. With this knowledge or conscience I can get a better position in the relaxing furniture than before, but it seems to me that such furniture is never optimal? How can we improve on lazy furniture? Ps, I love spending time in a hammock. I think it is not bad at all, even good for my back? Do you agree?

  • @geoffreyyoste45
    @geoffreyyoste45 2 дні тому

    Nice video I enjoyed it, got in a car wreck six days ago and I can definitely tell it’s my SI joint Your video is extremely helpful. Peace from Mississippi. 😎✌️🙏

  • @lyutsin21
    @lyutsin21 3 дні тому

    When I was about 34, my knee started hurting when I tried jogging. A non-specialist doctor said I had chrondomalacia patala, gave me an exercise to do, and referred me to a foot doctor who wanted me to get a plaster cast of my feet and to get custom orthotics, which would have cost just under $400. That was over 5 years ago. I wish orthotics would be a scam. Now on my right side, my hip joint and part of my back approximately by my sacroiliac joint hurts. Sometimes the pain radiates slightly to my upper let or my rear-end cheek. Do I really have to get custom orthotics? Wouldn't they mess my feet and train my foot muscles to be to weak to function without them? Edit: the heels of my shoes always wear out much more on the outsides than the insides. But when jogging I was trying to strike with my forefoot first, except that now on my right side my hip joint and/or my sacroiliac joint and/or a part of my back just above my rear-end-cheek, hurt. when I try jogging.

  • @jamesrick2532
    @jamesrick2532 3 дні тому

    First exercise, if you put your back up against the wall along with your butt in the same position that you’re showing us and drag your foot up and down along the wall, you’ll be properly stacked and foot in line. No, Leaning forward or back.

  • @maryackenhusen6893
    @maryackenhusen6893 3 дні тому

    I have had hip pain, and inability to balance on just one side for years. Thought interestingly, my double support time is good at a range of 23-32%. As it got worse, I've tried lots of exercises and MFR. The MFR helped a lot but I think this will be the program to make it go away totally (or so I hope!). Thanks for the very clear explanation which really helps me understand why targeting this muscle for my particular issues may be the answer.

  • @deedeew4040
    @deedeew4040 3 дні тому

    I wish I had you as my chiropractor. I have been having adjustments for 51 years because of my joints being rusty. I am starting to do your exercises.

  • @robertafierro5592
    @robertafierro5592 3 дні тому

    As much as i complain, living on the third floor helped me recover and stay in shape. Without the stairs and all.the walking i do, no doubt id be on all.sorts of pain meds and Physical.Therapy again. Plain and simple: Get off your Can and just DO IT!!

  • @robertafierro5592
    @robertafierro5592 3 дні тому

    I had radiation focused on my Pelvis for Cancer treatments along with Chemo. I ended upmwith something called a sacral.tear. The bone doctor dodnt believe the pain i was in and threw me out of her office. I cant tell you what j went through. The pain was unbelievable.

  • @PhatBoyFresh
    @PhatBoyFresh 3 дні тому

    I've lost 50 pounds in 4 months and have exercised daily for 4 weeks. This is the only thing that hasn't improved. Thanks for the information. I'll definitely give it a shot.

  • @dianegally6471
    @dianegally6471 3 дні тому

    I wish you had a practice in TX. You are a great resource.

  • @Rokia2003
    @Rokia2003 3 дні тому

    The way this video showed up at the perfect time!

    @NOPAIN2TRAIN 3 дні тому

    Simply excellent presentation!

  • @breakthroughweekend5256
    @breakthroughweekend5256 3 дні тому

    You look very fit and healthy with excellent posture. I appreciate that in a practitioner. Thanks for the video!

  • @cherylhickey-momohara3055
    @cherylhickey-momohara3055 3 дні тому

    I hurt my lower back first week of April and have been seeing my chiropractor. He can't seem to crack my lower back and said my body is protecting it. I now understand what he means when I watched your video. My pain is gone bc I've been religiously laying on my back and stretching my hamstring and been doing the cat & cow stretch. but the discomfort I feel on my lower back is frustrating. I cannot bend forward. So I tried your method to not curve the back and to keep straight. I felt some relief. Thank you. I will continue to do this exercise in the mornings when i wake up

  • @utopiadweller
    @utopiadweller 4 дні тому


  • @dianegally6471
    @dianegally6471 4 дні тому

    I’m in pain for over 3 weeks now in my left buttock & down my leg. Have numb forefoot & toes. Diagnosis:piriformis syndrome/SI joint issue. Fell about 6 weeks ago. Sprained my left ankle, hit hard on my right buttock. I’ve also had plantar fasciitis in my left foot so I’m sure my gait has changed over the years. I wear “Power Step” inserts, Hoka sneaks, etc. chiropractor never helped that nor did Arrosti. Self treated the ankle. 3 weeks later extreme pain! I’d rather have a baby. Went to chiropractor, no luck. Pain worse. I’m supposed to get SI joint injection of cortisone on May 8. I did go to the ER. They gave me prednisone, etc. which helped a lot. I’ve been doing stretches & exercises but nothing seems to really help. I’m thinking physical therapy may be my best option. Any thoughts? That adhesion tool seems interesting.

  • @TracyStrawberry
    @TracyStrawberry 4 дні тому

    This is exactly what I have! I’ve been in extreme pain that has altered my career-my entire life. I’m ordering this belt and supplements and will be doing those exercises. Wish you were in St. Louis as Doctor visits and physical therapy have re-injured and hurt me, not helped me. Thank you from the depths of my soul!🙏

  • @rickyrogerz666
    @rickyrogerz666 4 дні тому

    So, they only get stuck by the muscle's being tight, or is there a tiny degree of shifting in the vertebrae that causes it to be stuck as well?

  • @jonkelly6721
    @jonkelly6721 4 дні тому

    A quality post thanks for posting ❤

  • @RBF-hq6tu
    @RBF-hq6tu 4 дні тому

    This has to be one of the best videos ever Thank you !!’

  • @tedantares2751
    @tedantares2751 4 дні тому

    Get rid of that stupid "music" at the beginning of each episode! It's very loud (especially, after your low-volume narration) and annoying! I have to turn the volume all the way down when that guitar chord starts to play, and then turn it almost all the way up to hear you. When adding sounds or special effects to another video, ask yourself: "Why am I doing this? Only because I can?"

    • @tedantares2751
      @tedantares2751 4 дні тому

      Voting this video down because of the stupidly loud and annoying guitar sound between episodes

  • @pablosilva5913
    @pablosilva5913 5 днів тому

    Hey, I have been suspecting that my injury was there recently, but I never heard it so well explained. I injured myself in December of 2022 doing a squat, lifting my father from the floor. Since then, I've been recovering really slowly. Even I injured myself again, and it was worse in some aspects. But I've been doing what you said: always walk, even if only for 6 blocks. The thing is that I have spondylolisthesis too, which is why it was hard to figure it out. Now I'm better, but I still have issues. The buses are really damaging for me, also the stress. Being seated working also affects me. Also, when I move, I'm a little scared. On November, I started with the piriformis syndrome because of a shot in the muscle and also acupuncture. I had pain because of that; it was awful. I did like 6 sessions of extensive massage. It has happened a lot of stuff physically to me. I can't sit on the bus, so I bought a bicycle, a really comfortable one, and I can ride it nicely. I bought it last week so I can avoid the bus to go to work, and I get a workout too. Those vitamins, I can't bring them to my country; the laws here don't allow it. I'll try to find something similar or go for the main components. I'll continue searching your channel to see more advice. Thank you.

  • @bgs5374
    @bgs5374 5 днів тому

    Hi, living in Paris, I'd love to know who your expert is !

  • @cristinacamelia984
    @cristinacamelia984 5 днів тому

    Oh my God... This explains a lot of events in my life...Thank you so much! I think it's the high time I train my glutes.

  • @TheTeamDGL
    @TheTeamDGL 5 днів тому

    Others show the thighs being inline with the chest...what is your take on that?

  • @User_whatshisname
    @User_whatshisname 5 днів тому

    Thank you so much.

  • @clairejevron6146
    @clairejevron6146 5 днів тому

    SI joint pain that comes and goes along with pain in outer hip or buttocks and bubbling sensation that runs into either foot underneath. Had this for 2 years, seen specialist and neurologist no diagnosis. Now the SI joints have really started hurting I went to my local doctor and he said straight away that’s your SI joints. Going to see a Rheumatologist. I just want that magical steroid injection